Did You Know?

10 06 2013

Did you know that bees are born fully grown?

Cartoon Bee

Did You Know?

9 06 2013

Did you know that a dolphin can hear sound underwater from 24 km away?


Did You Know?

8 06 2013

Did you know that a scallop has 35 eyes?


Did You Know?

7 06 2013

Did you know that Australian earthworms can grow up to 3m (10 ft) in length?


Did You Know?

6 06 2013

Did you know that cockroaches could survive a nuclear holocaust because radiation does not affect them as much as it affects other species?


Did You Know?

5 06 2013

Did you know that a cockroach can live up to two weeks with its head cut off before it starves to death?


Did You Know?

4 06 2013

Did you know that female ants do all the work?


Did You Know?

3 06 2013

Did you know that the polar bear is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet?


Did You Know?

2 06 2013

Did you know that a camel can drink up to 136 litres of water at one time?


Did You Know?

1 06 2013

Did you know that there is enough poison in a poison-arrow frog to kill 2200 people?

poison-arrow frog