Did You Know?

19 06 2013

Did you know that the fastest wind speed recorded was 508 km per hour in Oklahoma on 3rd May 1999?


Did You Know?

3 04 2013

Did you know that in Fairbanks, Alaska, it is illegal to give a moose a beer?


Did You Know?

25 03 2013

Did you know that the Amazon rainforest makes one-fifth of the world’s oxygen?


Did You Know?

22 03 2013

Did you know that in Oklahoma, people who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined and jailed?

ugly faces

Did You Know?

16 03 2013

Did you know that there are more than 3500 living species of cockroaches?


Did You Know?

8 03 2013

Did you know that Coca Cola was founded by Joseph A Biedenharn?

Coca Cola

Did You Know?

7 03 2013

Did you know that 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals?


Did You Know?

3 03 2013

Did you know that the Star Spangled Banner became the National Anthem on 3rd March 1931?

star spangled banner