Did You Know?

31 01 2013

Did you know that every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath once a year?

Did You Know?

28 01 2013

Did you know that Oprah Winfrey and Elvis Presley are distant cousins?


Did You Know?

24 01 2013

Did you know that the New York Times reports that in February 2004, 62% of all e-mail was spam?

Did You Know?

23 01 2013

Did you know that the richest self-made American under 50 is Michael Dell, chairman of Dell Computers? He is worth $18 billion. 


Did You Know?

22 01 2013


Did you know that there is a Starbucks in Myungdong, South Korea that is five stories tall?


Did You Know?

21 01 2013

Did you know that Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year?

Did You Know?

17 01 2013

Did you know that the State of Florida is bigger than England?

Did You Know?

10 01 2013

Did you know that former president Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails in his entire 8 year presidency?

Did You Know?

2 01 2013

Did you know that January is known as National Soup month in America?