Did You Know?

5 06 2013

Did you know that a cockroach can live up to two weeks with its head cut off before it starves to death?


Did You Know?

4 06 2013

Did you know that female ants do all the work?


Did You Know?

3 06 2013

Did you know that the polar bear is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet?


Did You Know?

2 06 2013

Did you know that a camel can drink up to 136 litres of water at one time?


Did You Know?

1 06 2013

Did you know that there is enough poison in a poison-arrow frog to kill 2200 people?

poison-arrow frog

Did You Know?

31 05 2013

Did you know that there are 701 official breeds of dog?

ugly faces

Did You Know?

30 05 2013

Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet?


Did You Know?

29 05 2013

Did you know that a zebra foal can run with the herd an hour after its birth?

zebra foal

Did You Know?

28 05 2013

Did you know that a polar bear’s fur is not white, but translucent?


Did You Know?

27 05 2013

Did you know that a giraffe has the same number of vertebrae in its neck as a mouse?
