Did You Know?

12 07 2013

Did you know that it takes approximately 850 peanuts to make a standard jar of peanut butter?

peanut butter

Did You Know?

3 05 2013

Did you know that cats cannot taste sweet things?


Did You Know?

16 04 2013

Did you know that there are eight peas per pod on average?

peas in a pod

Did You Know?

29 03 2013

Did you know that every person has a unique tongue print?

taste buds

Did You Know?

27 03 2013

Did you know that the only food that does not spoil is honey?


Did You Know?

7 03 2013

Did you know that 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals?


Did You Know?

12 02 2013

Did you know that the average person swallows 295 times during a meal?



Did You Know?

9 02 2013

Did you know that the average person will consume 100 tons of food and 45,424 liters (12,000 gallons) of water in their lifetime?


Food and Drink

Did You Know?

8 02 2013

Did you know that the average hen lays 228 eggs a year?



Did You Know?

22 01 2013


Did you know that there is a Starbucks in Myungdong, South Korea that is five stories tall?
