Did You Know?

11 07 2013

Did you know that forty-seven Bibles are sold every minute?


Did You Know?

10 07 2013

Did you know that an alligator has 80 teeth?


Did You Know?

9 07 2013

Did you know that it takes 72 muscles to speak one word?


Did You Know?

8 07 2013

Did you know that cats can spend 16 hours a day sleeping?

Cartoon Cat Sleeping

Did You Know?

7 07 2013

Did you know that a solar day on Mercury, from sunrise to sunset, lasts about six Earth months?


Did You Know?

6 07 2013

Did you know that humans have 639 muscles, but caterpillars have more than 4000?


Did You Know?

5 07 2013

Did you know that a porcupine has about 30000 quills?


Did You Know?

4 07 2013

Did you know that twenty per cent of all road accidents in Sweden involve a moose?


Did You Know?

3 07 2013

Did you know that woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth and giraffe tails have all been used as money?


Did You Know?

2 07 2013

Did you know that the opposite sides of a dice always add up to seven?
