Did You Know?

14 04 2013

Did you know that no words in the english language rhyme with month, orange, silver or purple?


Did You Know?

1 04 2013

Did you know that while some historians speculate that April Fool’s Day dates back to 1582, the annual tradition was popularized by English pranksters in 1700 by playing practical jokes on each other?


Did You Know?

2 03 2013

Did you know that it was during the month of March that many wars took place, and so people would prepare in advance, and the month became known as The Month of War?


Did You Know?

4 02 2013

Did you know that February was named after the Latin word “februa” – which means cleansing or purification, and reflects the purification ritual undertaken before spring?

Did You Know?

3 02 2013

Did you know that February, having only 28 days in common years, is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon?

Full Moon

Did You Know?

2 02 2013

Did you know that February and January were introduced into the Roman calendar about 700 BC when the calendar was extended from ten to twelve months? Before that Romans considered winter a month less period.


Did You Know?

2 01 2013

Did you know that January is known as National Soup month in America?

Did You Know?

16 12 2012

Did you know that it takes between 6 to 8 months to create one episode of The Simpsons?

Did You Know?

13 12 2012

Did you know that months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th?