Did You Know?

4 02 2013

Did you know that February was named after the Latin word “februa” – which means cleansing or purification, and reflects the purification ritual undertaken before spring?

Did You Know?

3 02 2013

Did you know that February, having only 28 days in common years, is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon?

Full Moon

Did You Know?

2 02 2013

Did you know that February and January were introduced into the Roman calendar about 700 BC when the calendar was extended from ten to twelve months? Before that Romans considered winter a month less period.


Did You Know?

1 01 2013

Did you know that approximately one billion people watch the Times Square ball drop on New Year’s Eve?

Did You Know?

31 12 2012

Did you know that it is often thought that the first visitors you see after ringing in the New Year would bring you good or bad luck, depending on who you keep as friends and enemies? 

Did You Know?

30 12 2012

Did you know that the most common New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight?

Did You Know?

29 12 2012

Did you know that New Year is the oldest of all holidays, as it was first observed in ancient Babylon as many as 4000 years ago?