Did You Know?

30 06 2013

Did you know that the only food that does not spoil is honey?


Did You Know?

27 06 2013

Did you know that water is the only substance on Earth that is lighter as a solid than as a liquid?


Did You Know?

21 06 2013

Did you know that golf if the only sport that has been played on the moon?


Did You Know?

3 06 2013

Did you know that the polar bear is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet?


Did You Know?

9 05 2013

Did you know that a blue whale’s heart beats only nine times per minute?


Did You Know?

1 05 2013

Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite?


Did You Know?

23 02 2013

Did you know that the cheetah is the only cat that can’t retract it’s claws?
