Did You Know?

14 06 2013

Did you know that a camel’s hump stores fat, not water? 


Did You Know?

13 06 2013

Did you know that earthworms have five hearts?


Did You Know?

12 06 2013

Did you know that most insects are deaf?


Did You Know?

11 06 2013

Did you know that if a starfish is cut into pieces, each piece will become another starfish?


Did You Know?

10 06 2013

Did you know that bees are born fully grown?

Cartoon Bee

Did You Know?

9 06 2013

Did you know that a dolphin can hear sound underwater from 24 km away?


Did You Know?

8 06 2013

Did you know that a scallop has 35 eyes?


Did You Know?

7 06 2013

Did you know that Australian earthworms can grow up to 3m (10 ft) in length?


Did You Know?

6 06 2013

Did you know that cockroaches could survive a nuclear holocaust because radiation does not affect them as much as it affects other species?


Did You Know?

5 06 2013

Did you know that a cockroach can live up to two weeks with its head cut off before it starves to death?
